Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Back to My Old Self (Mostly)

Last October, with less than a month to go before Edith arrived, I wrote a post about the 8 things I couldn't wait to do post-pregnancy. And guess what? I can do them!

Here's a review of my wishes back then:

1. Wear pants that aren't stretchy.

The maternity jeans are stored away, and I was back in my pre-pregnancy pants some two weeks after Edith was born. But I still wear those yoga pants. So comfy!

2. Fasten my jackets.

I continue to wear the dark blue wool coat that I wore the last month of my pregnancy, but that's because it's too cold to wear my favorite jackets anyway. This blue jacket isn't a maternity coat in any case, although long before we had talked about having a baby Paul called it my pregnancy coat because of the way it's cut. That's the way it's supposed to be!

3. Sleep without a backache.

I fully appreciated the comfort of sleeping on my back once again after Edith was born. Funny thing is, I never really liked sleeping on my back before I got pregnant; I only realized how comfortable it could be after it was taken away from me! Either way, I still prefer sleeping in the fetal position.

4. Eat and drink what I want.

I ate so many cold cut turkey sandwiches in the month after Edith was born that I don't think I can look at them again for a while. And although I haven't yet had blue cheese, I have ordered a medium-well hamburger. Even though I'm breastfeeding, a bottle of beer or a glass of wine is fine to have; however, I've only had a sip of wine since November 21.

5. Order sushi.

Paul and I went to a sushi restaurant while his mom visited and could watch Edith while we were out. So by mid-December I had sampled sushi again, although I mainly stuck to the vegetarian rolls anyway.

6. Stop running into things.

If I run into things now, it's not my belly's fault. It's just because I'm a klutz.

7. Walk fast.

Now the only thing slowing me down is a stroller.

8. Breathe.

Who knew taking a deep breath could be so luxurious? Now I do.

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