Tuesday, December 1, 2020

Covid Positive

I had a headache.

I wasn't happy about it, but I wasn't surprised. The nerves connected to one of my front teeth had been bothering me, plus the weather was changing. Sinuses were certainly to blame for the latter, if not for the former too, I thought.

I was tired.

Also not surprising. When I get a headache, I'm definitely sleepier. When I wake up in the morning, everything is fine.

But then a week later I lost my sense of smell.

That worried me, and I had little doubt: I had Covid-19. A test on November 24 confirmed it.

I'm lucky and know it well -- the lack of smell was by far the worst of my symptoms. It's hard to explain. It was there, and then all of a sudden it wasn't. Soap, toothpaste, shampoo, food: no smells. Sometimes a faint whiff, but mostly nada. It was like my nose was "hearing" a melody without the harmony. And then something weird would happen, like when I asked Paul if he had been cutting onions. I couldn't smell them, but my nose was almost tingling. Sure enough, he had. Are phantom smells a things?

As of yesterday, my headache was barely there, I'm not too sleepy and I think my smell is almost completely back (and certainly better than it was a few days ago). I got a cough around Thanksgiving, but nothing worse than any other winter.

Thank goodness the kids have had no symptoms, although we're in quarantine for another week to make sure. Paul had what we assume now were very mild symptoms a day or two before me, so he is planning to get an antibody test. Overall, we've come out of this healthier than I had hoped, although we're not out of the woods yet.

More about our quarantine next week!

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