Tuesday, September 1, 2015

The Difference? She's Mine.

Edith is just a few months shy of three years old, and it seems that each day brings a new word or phrase. Nearly every evening I can share with Paul something fun or funny that she has said.

For example: In just the past week or so she's called us Paul and Diane at different times. When she downed her first homemade ice pop last week, she pronounced it "delicious" just like a grown up. She makes me laugh.

And yet I also have to laugh at myself. After all, what makes these pronouncements any different than the ones nearly every kid has made for all of time? Kids do generally learn their parents' names. They aren't toddlers -- and don't speak like them-- forever.

The difference, of course, is that this kid is mine.

So I try to keep these "accomplishments" between me and Paul, although they occasionally slip out to a parent -- my own, or another mom with young kids. But if you ever happen to be on the receiving end of one of these stories, I apologize in advance. Even I know I'm being ridiculous.

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