Tuesday, July 14, 2020

An Uneventful Birthday

I'm marking the week of my 39th birthday with my first chiropractic adjustment today -- appropriate for someone who's nearing the top of the hill, isn't it?

Since that's about the most exciting thing that's happened lately, I suppose that means that my birthday tomorrow will be the most uneventful I've had in many a year. But things are getting back to normal in some ways (seeing friends outdoors), and not at all in others (figuring out how many days per week -- if any -- the kids will actually be at school this fall). If this is all over in a year, there's no doubt that I'll deserve the 40th birthday bash I was planning to throw myself next July.

But I'm reading more books than ever, the kids have gained a lot of independence and overall things are looking good, all things considered. Happy birthday to me.

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