Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Being a Buckeye Fan from Afar

It's a blast being a Buckeye fan in Columbus when times are good.

But when times are bad -- like last Saturday, when Ohio State was unexpectedly beat by Purdue -- I'm happy to be 500 miles away.

After all, when you're several states from the scene of the crime, it's easy to pretend it didn't happen.

In Ohio, we would have been met by commentary of the soul-crushing defeat at every turn. Here, it's only on ESPN. Sure, news of the pounding was in the New York Times -- buried in the sports section. In Columbus? If it wasn't on the front page of the Dispatch, I'm guessing it at least took up a good portion of the front page of the sports section, above the fold. Probably both.

Call me a fair weather fan. Maybe I deserve it. But I don't like my mood for an entire day, entire weekend, entire season to be dictated by something so totally beyond my control.

Good or bad, the results are hard to ignore in Columbus. But when the times get tough, in New York I can stash the Buckeye necklace in the deepest corner of a drawer for a few days and hope for better times and less talented opponents.

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