Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Re-entering Normal Life

Life is slowly returning to normal after the height of the coronavirus pandemic. We don't wear masks outdoors. We ate a normal Sunday dinner (indoors!) with my vaccinated in-laws on Sunday evening, just as we did in the before-times. It all seems so normal until I remember what we've all gone through in the last 15 months and just how different these last few weeks have been.

I'm finding it somewhat challenging to switch gears. Is it ok for the kids to play indoors at a friend's house? With or without a mask? (They haven't done it yet.) Mask requirements in stores are rapidly dropping, but isn't it a good idea to wear them still? Paul and I are fully vaccinated, but the kids aren't old enough for their shots. How should their risk, little as it might be, impact our plans for the summer?

So many questions, and I feel like we're getting more answers every day. This summer is shaping up to be better than last summer, although I'm still a bit wary -- just take a look at India to see why. But I remain cautiously optimistic -- and more optimistic with each passing day. The most important question of all: Is the pandemic really almost over for us here in the U.S.? I hope.

Tuesday, May 18, 2021

Paul Has Hernia Surgery

Paul finally had his hernia surgery on Friday after a wait of about three weeks or so. The surgery went according to plan, and he's in even better shape than I expected at this point.

The kids and I dropped him off at the surgery center at 9 a.m. on Friday -- since no one but the patient was allowed inside the building, we said goodbye and good luck at the front door. (The center was only 10 minutes from home, so the kids didn't even miss their school zoom meetings.)

The surgery started at 10 a.m. and lasted about an hour. He was knocked out for the surgery, so I had to wait to pick him up until he had lifted out of the fog. When the nurse called me to say it was time to pick him up, she said he was a low-maintenance patient, so I guess he didn't even say anything funny as he was waking up - ha! We headed home around 12:30 p.m.

Paul's mom watched the kids while I drove Paul home and got him settled. I thought he would be tired, but he didn't so much as take a nap. Instead he watched some TV and even read a book and played some online chess. He was moving slowly but otherwise seemed fine.

The pain wasn't so bad that he had to fill his pain prescription, though he is regularly alternating ibuprofen and Tylenol as directed. By Sunday he was moving around more, and on Monday he was making it a point to walk a bit. He'll be working from home this week to help with his recovery, but all is looking good!

Tuesday, May 11, 2021

Upside Down Atticus

 While Edith has her archery class, Atticus gets playground time!

May 6, 2021

Tuesday, May 4, 2021

Family Updates

  • Paul is having surgery next week for a hernia. He's not in debilitating pain now or anything, but he is taking it easy. For one, he's not supposed to carry anything heavier than a gallon of milk. It's an outpatient surgery -- no big thing. He is supposed to be back to normal about four weeks after the surgery.
  • I got my second Covid vaccine last Tuesday, and Paul has been fully vaccinated for several weeks. (He finally got a perk for being over 40!) Now we're just waiting for vaccines to be approved for the 8-and-under crowd.
  • Baseball for the kids ends this weekend! Edith is waffling about whether she wants to play in the fall, Atticus says no. Both improved and learned the rules of the game, so mission accomplished. And both loved wearing their uniforms (including the "baseball capris," as Edith once called them!).
  • Edith is halfway through a six-week archery course and loving it! I really hope she sticks with it, and she seems to want to.
  • One more month of school! I'm not sure whether I'm looking forward to summer vacation or dreading it.


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