Friday, October 14, 2011

Reflections on Rome

 Rome was exhausting.

This was especially due to the heat, but also the hills and stairs, the winding streets so easy to get lost in, the constant fear of pickpockets and the sheer number of people in such a concentrated area. Even the traffic was stressful -- I'm used to ignoring traffic signals in New York, but Rome has not only barely any signals, but also barely any crosswalks. You just dart in front of traffic and assume it will stop for you.

View from the Gianicolo

Visiting Rome was a little like visiting Disney World -- lots of tourists, lots of maps and lots of must-see attractions.

This was definitely the most jam-packed leg of the trip. If you can name a museum or church in Rome, we probably saw it. But my favorite hours were the few we puttered around a piazza or lingered over a liter of wine. We saw Rome, but I suspect that it was generally just what the tourists see -- not what true Romans experience.


I made a list of everything I wanted to see and do in Rome, and most of those items were checked off. But if we visit again, I will certainly "schedule" more time to do absolutely nothing.

Baths of Diocletian


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