Tuesday, February 15, 2022

Winter Sports

I've watched more sports in the last 10 days than I have in any other winter in memory.

I don't follow most sports. Yes, I keep up with Ohio State football -- I think Columbus would revoke my residency if I didn't. And I might watch a bit of baseball. But other than that, nah.

This month has been different. First, the Winter Olympics in Beijing started. I don't know why or when it started, but I'm a bit of an Olympics fanatic and can pretty much remember watching every Olympics, winter and summer, since 1992 (Barcelona, Lillehammer, Atlanta, etc.). I would never watch skiing on a normal day, but somehow it mesmerizes me if it's part of the Olympics.

And I don't follow the NFL. At all. Paul watches some of the games, and I reluctantly hear them in the background. But as the Cincinnati Bengals made it further and further, the excitement climbed higher and higher. I watched at least part of the playoff games and watched more of the Super Bowl on Sunday than I have in my entire life. (I still didn't watch the whole thing.) I was disappointed that the Bengals lost 23-20, but not devastated.

I even got to see a little winter sport in person a few weeks ago, when I went to pick up Edith from a birthday at a local ice skating rink (photo above). She might not be Karen Chen, but her roller blading practice has come in handy!

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